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On This Page
  • What is AI Video Analytics?
  • Why Use AI Video Analytics?
  • What are the Best AI Video Analytics Tools?

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Your Full Guide to AI Video Analytics: What Is It & Best Tools

Myles Owens

Updated on

Dive deep in our blog where explore the best five AI video analytics tools that can help you gain edge over your competitors by improving video performance.

Data is a goldmine in today’s digital age. Its implications are immense and its ability to change your business’s direction can be amazing. AI Data analytics allows you to make the right moves on the right time through actionable insights and key metrics. With AI, all this can be achieved in real-time and provide you with important clues that can improve your performance systematically.

AI Video Analytics

So, let’s assume that your video isn’t making significant progress, it’s not gaining the number of views that you’d like. In such a case, you need to tap into AI Video Analytics and find out the root cause.

In this guide, you’ll learn all about AI video analytics and how you can leverage it to up your video performance.

On This Page
  • What is AI Video Analytics?
  • Why Use AI Video Analytics?
  • What are the Best AI Video Analytics Tools?

What is AI Video Analytics?

AI video analyzer is a feature in analytics software that enables you to gain insights by analyzing data in videos. These insights are generated using advanced AI algorithms through automation. Usually, most AI video analytics analyze video content in real-time and generate actionable insights that you can use to enhance your video marketing.

All this is accomplished with the power of AI. Generating insights on time is important because it allows you to navigate low performance areas in your video. The human eye alone can’t identify these issues, however, with deep learning software you’ll be able to automatically identify areas which can be improved upon.

Why Use AI Video Analytics?

There are plenty of benefits of using AI video analytics which offer you to carry out in-depth analysis of video streams. Such an analysis wouldn’t be possible if you rely solely on the human eye. The human brain has a limitation for processing but with AI, you can be truly limitless. Also, use automation to decipher what needs to be done or where a video lacks. With automation, your productivity would increase tremendously. Furthermore, with real-time analysis you’ll be able to see your video performance on the spot and fix it up if it needs any improvement.

This feature also allows you to identify appropriate time-frames in AI content marketing that are optimized for ad-placement which allows you to create a seamless experience for your audience. We all know how annoying ads can be for user-experience, but with the right technology at your disposal ad placement can be optimized for creating an engaging experience.

What are the Best AI Video Analytics Tools?

There are plenty of options when it comes to selecting the best AI Video Analytic tool, however, it also depends on your usage and what you require from the platform. Let’s take a look at the top 5 AI video analytics tools out there:

1) Vidnoz Flex

The number one tool on our list is Vidnoz Flex, it is a simple tool yet powerful in its ability as it allows you to create videos, personalize and share them, and leverage analytic features all in a unified manner. Vidnoz Flex uses state-of-the-art AI-based technology to analyze data and provide you meaningful insights as well as trending features such as talking head and text to speech. With its centralized dashboard, you’ll be able to analyze data easily with great precision. Using this data you’ll be able to plan out impactful strategies to drive resilient results.

Vidnoz Flex - Inclusive Video Creation & Automation Platform

Create, customize, share, and track videos. Gain all faster with 2X speed!

  • Record, upload and edit videos with built-in video recorder editor.
  • Add CTA button, polls and user forms that enhance interaction.
  • Share your videos to mainstreaming platform in batches.
  • Track your video performance with in-depth insights.

How Vidnoz Flex helps in AI Video Analytics?

Let's get to the point. Vidnoz Flex’s AI video analytics capabilities are quite phenomenal. Through its centralized dashboard it enables users to have a concise and elaborative view of data that offers them insights on how to go about their videos. During real-time analysis it also offers clues for user behavior and provides recommendations on how you can improve your video performance.

AI-driven algorithms help analyze video performance

Analyzing video performance is the primary role of AI video analytics. Vidnoz Flex has the ability to provide you real-time and authentic video analysis. Its dashboard would offer significant clues into where your video is not performing well and what needs to be amended to improve video performance.

Analyzing User Behavior

User interaction is a key metric in AI video analytics. With Vidnoz Flex you’ll be able to analyze user behavior, essentially tapping into their psychology to get an idea of how your content is performing. Facets such as viewing, sharing and likes will all be analyzed to offer you context on how your video is performing.

AI Video Data Tracking

An essential feature of Vidnoz Flex is AI video data tracking. Data as we all know contains a story which we can use to refine our videos. With data tracking capabilities you’ll be able to improve your video strategy, aligning it with your audience to gain maximum traction and engagement. With data tracking you’ll gain an edge over your competitors in terms of optimizing your videos for high performance.

Step-by-step Guide to use AI Video Analytics in Vidnoz Flex

Step 1. Create an account.

Step 2. Log into your account and create a video.

Step 3. Share your video.

How to Use Vidnoz Flex for AI Video Analytics - Step 3

Step 4. Check analytics for insights and use AI for data analytics.

How to Use Vidnoz Flex for AI Video Analytics - Step 4

2) Lumeo

AI Video Analytics Lumeo

Lumeo is a no-code user-friendly video analytics platform that allows users to leverage analytics building blocks. It uses advanced AI models that offer real-time insights and allow users to integrate it with their cameras and equipment for viral video marketing.

Key Features

● Plenty of AI models and tools that you can use

● Works in multiple industries

● Simple plug and play function for software integration

● Collaboration features among various stakeholders

  • Subscription based pricing
  • Advanced AI models
  • Custom functionality
  • Requires technical expertise
  • Faster time to market


Starter: Free

Business: $49 per month + additional usage

Enterprise: Custom

3) Clarifai

AI Video Analytics Clarifai

Leveraging computer vision and AI, Clarifai is a tool that offers full motion video marketing analytics through deep learning. It is mostly used in situational and security purposes.

Key Features

● Detection of actions in the video including patterns of behavior

● Generate insights from customer data

● Audio-recognition capabilities

● Search for people in real-time

  • 6X increase in productivity as compared to manual mode
  • Used in military defense
  • Limitation of use in just security
  • Technical expertise required


Community: Free

Essential: $30 per month

Professional: $300 per month

4) Azure Video Indexer

AI Video Analytics Azure Video Indexer

Azure Video Indexes is a Microsoft powered AI video analytics tool that uses AI to generate actionable insights from videos. It can be used in various other areas as well including digital asset management and can analyze video content without having the need for technical expertise.

Key Features

  • Can extract data from a wide range of metadata within videos
  • Integrates with other Microsoft products
  • Comes with an AI based video editor
  • Reliable
  • Easy-to-use
  • Provides built-in security features
  • Can improve content discoverability
  • Sometimes has bugs
  • Technical expertise is required


  • Start with free $200 credit
  • Pay as you go model

5) Google Cloud Video Intelligence

AI Video Analytics Google Video AI

Powered by Google, it leverages advanced ML models and through automation analyzes immense volumes of data. It can recognize multiple objects, places and actions that appear in videos. The best part is that with time, it improves its performance continually.

Key Features

  • Automated content moderation and compliance
  • Contextual ad-placement
  • Object identification with ease
  • Text detection using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
  • Simplified media management
  • Precise video analysis
  • Gain near real-time insights
  • Enable powerful content discovery
  • Technical expertise is required
  • Can be expensive


  • Free first thousand minutes
  • Custom prices after 1000 minutes


AI video analytics is an essential component of today’s marketing strategy. It is important for businesses to have a direction and create an impact that can pave the road for success. The above discussed AI video analytic tools are all great but in order to find the one that suits your needs, you must study all of them. Let us know if you need any help and we’ll be happy to answer any question!


Myles Owens

Myles Owens is a Content Marketer at Vidnoz based in New York. When he’s not busy writing you can catch him playing tennis or binge-watching Netflix series.